
Annals of Philippine HPB Surgery Instruction for Authors

AnnPHPBSurg acts in accordance with the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors
(ICMJE) and the code of conduct of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE).


AnnPHPBSurg is an online submission platform with a local peer review system of original articles, case reports, conference presentations, reviews, practice guidelines, patient safety reporting, surgical techniques and innovations, surgical snapshots and researches on HPB practice in the Philippines.

All submissions must include:

Cover Letter to the Editor

  1. May include up to 250-300 words (title and author signatures not counted toward total) about the article/study
  2. May be signed by up by the primary author and/or up to three authors
  3. Must include the hospital affiliation and contact information (phone number & email address) for correspondence
  4. Disclosure of conflicts of interest and financial associations
  5. Black, Arial or Helvetica, 12 point font, single space
  6. US letter size (8 1/2 x 11) page, vertical orientation

The Manuscript

  1. Original
  2. Must be written in English
  3. Word count and content depending on the article type (abstract, title, references, author signatures not counted toward total)
  4. Black, Arial or Helvetica, 12 point font, double space
  5. US letter size (8 1/2 x 11) page, vertical orientation
  6. Left aligned text (may indent at start of paragraphs)
  7. Title centered at the top of the page
  8. Sequential page numbers in bottom right footer
  9. Must be submitted in word (.doc or .docx) format
  10. Figures/photos must be in .jpeg, .tif, or .eps format
    • 1200 dpi for black & white line art
    • 300 dpi for halftones (black & white photos)
    • 600 dpi for combination halftones
  11. Acknowledgments & Contributors
  12. References


  1. Brief report, case series
  2. One to five patient cases or a single group
  3. Maximum words: 2500
  4. Contents:
    • Summary (150 words maximum)
    • Introduction
    • Methodology
    • Results (maximum of 3 tables & figures)
    • Discussion
    • Conclusion
    • Up to 25 references


  1. Scientific results of original research
  2. Maximum words: 3000 (abstract, title, references, author signatures not counted toward total)
  3. Contents:• Abstract (300 words maximum)
    • Introduction
    • Methodology
    • Results (maximum of 5 tables & figures)
    • Discussion
    • Conclusion


Please visit the STROBE website for more information and available checklists (


Surgical images or those related to it, including a short description or clinical information and discussion of what the image demonstrates may contribute to our visual understanding of HPB diseases. Illustrations must be submitted in high quality resolution (>400dpi, in jpeg, tiff, or eps format). They should not have been published somewhere before. A maximum of 100 words will be allowed. Consent should have obtained from patients which should be included in the cover letter and title page.


Clinical practice or consensus guidelines and recommendations relevant to HPB surgery maybe good articles for publication as long as these are local and original work not published elsewhere. If this is a reproduction, permission must be obtained in writing from the copyright holder and submitted together with the article.


A short narrative of 400 words which may include a video with narrative that may be played online must be of high quality both in content and resolution. The video showing the surgical tip and trick must demonstrate the technique of interest must not exceed 10 mins. Educational presentations are encouraged. There should be no patient identifiable marks on the video and patient consent is strictly necessary.


The abstract must be structured and follows the word count of the article type.

  1.  Background/Introduction: state the objectives and why the study was done.
  2. Methodology: describe the sample population, materials, and methods used.
  3. Results: findings and observations noted.
  4. Conclusion: conclude based on the findings of the study.

For submission of manuscripts online

Step 1

Pls keep your files in a folder Labelled as follows: Name of author ffd by date

Step 2

Please number your contents accordingly depending on the submission or edited version

  • 1 Cover Letter
  • 2 Manuscript v1
  • 3 Appendix (if any) v1
Step 3

Upload your folder to a google drive and send an email to with the following Subject: Action required: Manuscript submission by including your intent to submit your manuscript with the link to download the folder of files you have created in the body of the email.

Step 4

Wait for acknowledgement within a week. If there is no response pls email again to follow up

Step 5

Once an acknowledgement of receipt has been received on your end, pls wait for at least 21 to 60 days for decision.